Monday, September 5, 2011

Younglife Leadership Conference

Last weekend went to Oahu for a Younglife leadership conference.  The people I am with are high schoolers that Ward has already had a huge impact on.  This event was high energy and eye opening.  Our ministry is "Incarnational." Meaning that we go to kids where they are emulating these qualities of our Savior---love, caring, gentleness, acceptance, and patience.  Our conduct and words can, and do penetrate all their prejudice and preconceived ideas of Christianity and reveal to them life with Christ. 
It is a sin to bore a kid with the gospel!  At Younglife we create an environment where strangers meet and begin to feel more comfortable together by having a crazy game to play or watch a weird/funny skit.  The conference had groups from all the islands meeting. Each island had to do a skit.  Ward and I couldn't think of anything so we bought panty hose and choreographed a dance.


  1. pantyhose + choreography, how could it not be awesome?

  2. Something tells me Ward is as Zany as you, Adam! Love it!! I went to YoungLife in high was definitely one of the first intros I had to living the Gospel (not just going to church). The love the leaders expressed toward me started the engines of curiosity going! I didn't make any radical decisions then, but the seeds they planted were vital in the radical decision I would make about 3 years later!!

    And I'm thinking Stephen and I need to plan a trip to come "encourage" you...we'd gladly make the sacrifice =) (Actually we do know that ministry in a place that others call "paradise" can have dynamic challenges!! Be strong and courageous!!)
